Saturday, May 24, 2008

Spinning Around in Circles like a Hoola-Hoop

So after reading Meghnas blog I felt like I had to update.

Me and Meghna named our pig Spartacus and then we found out it was girl but it was too good a name to change. So basically we finished our fetal pig and the brain is coming up! I think we are the farthest in our grade, which is sweet. Im super excited for the brain because I have decided to be a surgeon and I want to know if neuro is something I like or not. I am slightly angry about his whole pig thing though, cause Meghna told me that it wasn't like a miscarriage. The pigs are bred on a farm for this very purpose. I think that is sick, and not that cool because I wanted to find the cause of death in our pig.

My IPS speech went really well. Except no one had any criticism so Mrs. Ebeling was like "Does anyone have any criticism" and only Max said that I didn't gesture enough so Mrs. Ebeling like bashed my speech. I feel as if she doesn't like me very much. But then it was okay because Caroline yelled at her for marking her down on the fact that she picked a Canadian speech. Oh and before Patrick went she was like "Please Patrick Please. Please take a long time" in a british accent supposedly imitating Eun-Son except for she is Korean. And I was like OH MAN Mrs. Ebeling.

Eight days of school left... Its kind of sad but at the same time its like THANK GOD. Im tired of school and people in general. Although I am very excited for next year. Oh and Cedar Point is going to be really fun. And we got year books!

So Melanie and Meghna how do I get that program so I can see when people update?

1 comment:

Meghna Rao said...

our pig dissection rockedd