Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Post number six:

Once upon a day in Jenny Pampreens life an exciting thing happend...

Today I made up a song with Haley it goes like this:]
I wish I was a pickle
cause if I was a pickle
then I could be a cucumber

I wish I was a cucumber
cause if I was a cucumber
then I could be a melon

I wish I was a melon
cause if I was a melon
Then I could be a...

I know it's fantastic!

I have decided to put a Jack Handy quote cause thats what Haley has been talking about all day long.

“My young son asked me what happens after we die. I told him we get buried under a bunch of dirt and worms eat our bodies. I guess I should have told him the truth - that most of us go to Hell and burn eternally - but I didn't want to upset him.”
~Jack Handy

hi my name is eric
Eric wrote that FYI

So today was really busy. After school was over I had the volleyball award ceremony. I got Spikin Devil cause I'm such a Devil :) And then I had play practice. Later we have that retarded parent student meeting but I'm going to post later on how it went. Thats how exciting my day was but not really.

1 comment:

BOE! said...

Our song rocks.

we rock.

and so does Jack Handy.
funny man.

but our song