Friday, April 27, 2007


One time when I was in the third grade I was eating my lunch peacfully when suddenly next to me there was an EXPLOSION! Emily Swastek's gogurt had exploded all over her. I admit it was very funny and I did enjoy Dominic Leoni calling her go-gurt face. Until the next day at lunch. I had a blue go-gurt for lunch *gasp* and I was stupidly twisting the go-gurt tube, when... it exploded, all over me infact. Then I was known as go-gurt hair by Dominic Leoni, and unfortunantly I could no longer laugh at Emily Swastek and her go-gurt face for I had joined the elite group of go-gurt people. That was a sad sad day and looking back I now realize it was the sole contributor to my fear of go-gurt. If you haven't already figured this out the moral of this woeful tale is not "Don't make fun of people" but "Stay away from go-gurt unless you want to join the elite group of go-gurt people (a plus is always of course the member t-shirts and the support group that meets every Monday)".